Ferris Bueller's Day Off quotes
84 total quotesJeanie Bueller
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Sloane Peterson
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Grace. Grace!
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He'll keep calling me. He'll keep calling me until I come over. He'll make me feel guilty... This is- this is ridiculous. OK. I'll go, I'll go, I'll go, I'll go, I'll go, with--I'll go. Shit! [starts car and yells in frustration] God damn it!
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He's gonna marry me.
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Hey, batter-batter-batter, hey, batter-batter-batter-swing-batter! He can't hit, and he can't hit, and he can't hit, and he can't hit, swing batter!
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Hey, remember how mad he got when I broke my retainer? Come on, that was just a little piece of plastic. This is a Ferrari.
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I am not going to sit on my ass as the events that affect me unfold to determine the course of my life. I'm going to take a stand. I'm going to defend it. Right or wrong, I'm going to defend it.
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I asked for a car, I got a computer. How's that for being born under a bad sign?
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I did have a test today. That wasn't bullshit. It's on European socialism. I mean, really, what's the point? I'm not European. I don't plan on being European, so who gives a crap if they're socialists? They could be fascist anarchists - that still wouldn't change the fact that I don't own a car.
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I did not achieve this position in life by having some snot-nosed punk leave my cheese out in the wind.
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I feel like complete shit, Ferris. I can't go anywhere.
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If anybody needs a day off, it's Cameron. He has a lot of things to sort out before he graduates. He can't be wound up this tight and go to college, his roommate will kill him.
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Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.
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Look, don't make me participate in your stupid crap if you don't like the way I do it! You make me get out of bed. You make me come over. You make me make a phony phone call to Edward Rooney? The man could squash my nuts into oblivion. And, and, and then, and then, you deliberately hurt my feelings.
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Mr. Rooney... Ed... you're a beautiful man. I want to thank you for your warmth and compassion.
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Not that I condone fascism, or any -ism for that matter. -Ism's in my opinion are not good. A person should not believe in an -ism, he should believe in himself. I quote John Lennon, 'I don't believe in Beatles, I just believe in me.' Good point there. After all, he was 'The Walrus'. I could be the walrus, but I'd still have to bum rides off of people.