Few Good Men, A quotes
86 total quotesLt. Col. Matthew Markinson
Lt. Daniel Kaffee
Lt. Sam Weinberg
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And the hits just keep on comin'.
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Dear Mr. and Mrs. Santiago, I was William's company commander. I knew your son vaguely, which is to say I knew his name. In a matter of time, the trial of the two men charged with your son's death will be concluded, and seven men and two women whom you've never met will try to offer you an explanation as to why William is dead. For my part, I've done as much as I can to bring the truth to light. And the truth is this: Your son is dead for only one reason. I wasn't strong enough to stop it. Always, Lieutenant Colonel Matthew Andrew Markinson, United States Marine Corps. After writing letter, Markinson pulls a pistol from his uniform, places the barrel into his mouth and fires]
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He does think better with that bat.
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He's arguing. He's making an argument.
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I don't think your clients belong in jail, but I don't get to make that decision! I represent the government of the United States without passion or prejudice, and my client has a case.
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I don't want a deal, and I don't want immunity. I want you to know that I'm proud neither of what I have done or of what I am doing.
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I run my unit how I run my unit. You want to investigate me, roll the dice and take your chances. I eat breakfast three hundred yards away from four thousand Cubans who are trained to kill me. So don't think for one second that you can come down here, flash a badge, and make me nervous.
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In short, Captain, I'd like to suggest that I be the one who that... that it be me who is assigned to represent them... myself.
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Is the Colonel's underwear a matter of national security?
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Look at this! Last night he's swimming in Jack Daniels, and now he can leap tall buildings in a single bound.
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Now, is that 0600 in the morning, sir?
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Oh, now I see what you're saying! It had to be Professor Plum, in the library, with the candlestick!
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Oh, spare me the psychobabble father bullshit.
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One thing, though. When you ask the judge for new counsel, Danny... be sure and ask nicely.
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So this is what a courtroom looks like.