Transformers (2007) quotes
197 total quotesMegatron
Mikaela Banes
Multiple Characters
Optimus Prime
Ron Witwicky
Sam Witwicky
Secretary of Defense John Keller
Sgt. Robert Epps
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Blackout: [in Cybertronian] All hail Megatron!
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Fat Guy With Camera: [when Ratchet's protoform hits the ground] This is the coolest thing I've ever seen—explosions everywhere; this is easily a hundred times cooler than Armageddon, I swear to God!!
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Glen's Cousin: [being chased by police officers] I'm just the cousin, I'M JUST THE COUSIN!!! [Police officer tackles him into the swimming pool]
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Ironhide: Sam, get to the building!
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Kid In Car: [watching Bonecrusher and Optimus Prime fight] Cool, Mom!!
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Little Girl: [Ironhide] Excuse me, are you the tooth fairy?
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Manny's Cousin: I'm hot! Make-up's melting! Hurts my eyes!
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Miles: [to Sam about Mikaela] She's an evil jock concubine, man. Let her hitchhike.
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Ratchet: [scanning Sam's body] The boy's pheromone levels suggest he wants to mate with the female.
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Sheriff: [to Sam, annoyed] Are you eyeballing my piece, Fifty Cent? You wanna go? [leans over to Sam] Make something happen, do it. 'Cause, I promise you, [hovering right over Sam] I will bust you up.
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Starscream: I live to serve you, Lord Megatron!
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USMC Colonel Sharp: MH-53 pilot, power down now! [Armed soldiers quickly surround the helicopter (Blackout)] Have your crew step out, or we will kill you! [Blackout transforms and attacks] My God...!
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Agent Reggie Simmons: Ronald Wikity?
Ron Witwicky: It's "Witwicky". Who are you?
Agent Simmons: [shows badge] We're the government. Sector 7.
Ron Witwicky: Never heard of it.
Agent Simmons: Never will. Your son is the great-grandson of Archibald Wikity, is he not?
Ron Witwicky: It's "Witwicky"!
Agent Simmons: [steps through the door] May we enter the premises, sir?
Judy Witwicky: Ron, there's guys all over the front yard!
Ron Witwicky: What the heck is going on here?!
Agent Simmons: Your son filed a stolen car report last night. We think he may be involved in a National Security matter.
Ron Witwicky: National Security?
Agent Simmons: That's right, National Security.
Ron Witwicky: It's "Witwicky". Who are you?
Agent Simmons: [shows badge] We're the government. Sector 7.
Ron Witwicky: Never heard of it.
Agent Simmons: Never will. Your son is the great-grandson of Archibald Wikity, is he not?
Ron Witwicky: It's "Witwicky"!
Agent Simmons: [steps through the door] May we enter the premises, sir?
Judy Witwicky: Ron, there's guys all over the front yard!
Ron Witwicky: What the heck is going on here?!
Agent Simmons: Your son filed a stolen car report last night. We think he may be involved in a National Security matter.
Ron Witwicky: National Security?
Agent Simmons: That's right, National Security.
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Agent Simmons: All right, you've all had direct contact with the NBEs...
Tech Sgt. Epps: [confused] NBEs?
Agent Simmons: Non-Biological Extraterrestrials. Try to keep up with the acronyms.
Tom Banachek: What you're about to see is totally classified... [Megatron is revealed]
John Keller: [awestruck] Dear God, what is that?
Tom Banachek: We think that when he made his approach over the North Pole, our gravitational field screwed up his telemetry and crashed into the ice, probably a few thousand years age. We shipped him here to this facility in 1934.
Agent Simmons: We call him NBE-1.
Sam Witwicky: I don't mean to correct you on all that you think you know, but that's Megatron. He's the leader of the Decepticons.
Tom Banachek: He's been in cryo-stasis since 1935. Your great-great-grandfather made one of the greatest discoveries in the history of mankind.
Agent Simmons: Fact is, you're looking at the source of the modern age. The microchip, lasers, cars, space flight: all reverse-engineered by studying him. [sneers at Sam] NBE-1, that's what we call it!
John Keller: And you didn't think the United States Military might need to know that you're keeping a hostile alien robot frozen in the basement?
Agent Simmons: Until these events, we had no credible threats to national security.
John Keller: Well, you got one now!
Tech Sgt. Epps: [confused] NBEs?
Agent Simmons: Non-Biological Extraterrestrials. Try to keep up with the acronyms.
Tom Banachek: What you're about to see is totally classified... [Megatron is revealed]
John Keller: [awestruck] Dear God, what is that?
Tom Banachek: We think that when he made his approach over the North Pole, our gravitational field screwed up his telemetry and crashed into the ice, probably a few thousand years age. We shipped him here to this facility in 1934.
Agent Simmons: We call him NBE-1.
Sam Witwicky: I don't mean to correct you on all that you think you know, but that's Megatron. He's the leader of the Decepticons.
Tom Banachek: He's been in cryo-stasis since 1935. Your great-great-grandfather made one of the greatest discoveries in the history of mankind.
Agent Simmons: Fact is, you're looking at the source of the modern age. The microchip, lasers, cars, space flight: all reverse-engineered by studying him. [sneers at Sam] NBE-1, that's what we call it!
John Keller: And you didn't think the United States Military might need to know that you're keeping a hostile alien robot frozen in the basement?
Agent Simmons: Until these events, we had no credible threats to national security.
John Keller: Well, you got one now!
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Agent Simmons: Hey kid, I think we got off to a bad start, huh? You must be hungry. You want a latte, ho-ho, double vente machiatto...
Sam Witwicky: Where's my car?
Tom Banachek: Son, I need you to listen to me very carefully. People can die here. We need to know everything you know and we need to know it now.
Sam Witwicky: Okay, but first I want my car, my parents - maybe you could write that down. Oh, and [looks at Mikaela] her juvy record, that's gotta be gone - like forever.
Tom Banachek: Come with me, we'll talk about your car.
Mikaela Banes: [to Sam] Thank you.
Agent Simmons: [forcing a smile] The man's an extortionist.
Sam Witwicky: Where's my car?
Tom Banachek: Son, I need you to listen to me very carefully. People can die here. We need to know everything you know and we need to know it now.
Sam Witwicky: Okay, but first I want my car, my parents - maybe you could write that down. Oh, and [looks at Mikaela] her juvy record, that's gotta be gone - like forever.
Tom Banachek: Come with me, we'll talk about your car.
Mikaela Banes: [to Sam] Thank you.
Agent Simmons: [forcing a smile] The man's an extortionist.